Service design and UX prototypes with STAMI

20 Sept 2019
We are happy to announce our working collaboration with the Norwegian National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI). Their vision is for the Norwegian working life to be an environment that  prevents illness and promotes good health. To achieve this ambitious goal, they survey health issues, evaluate elements of risks, and propose preventive measures at the workplace.
One of STAMIs main ways of gathering data for research is through online questionnaires. Since 2004 they have created their questionnaires in their own internal survey administration program and by doing so they have developed an unparalleled library of techniques and well-proven questions which ensure the acquisition of high-quality data.
And this is where we come in. STAMI has decided to modernise and revitalise their survey administration program, particularly in relation to accessibility, data privacy regulations and user experience. As a start to this project they have asked us to create four prototypes which illustrate key functionality through a user interface which is more accessible for researchers at STAMI.
Through two workshops our designers and STAMIs scientists, IT-administrators and project leads identified and discussed potentials, requirements, needs, wants, ideas, pain points, pitfalls, regulations and expectations in the current and future system. These workshops and the insight we got from them stands as a solid foundation for the development of the prototypes where we look at new and improved ways of creating, publishing and monitoring ongoing questioners as well as extracting data upon the completion of a questionnaire.
As well as kickstarting the project, the prototypes will be used when STAMI moves forward placing a tender for the re-development of their internal survey administration program. It is a huge and exciting project. Stay tuned at Doffin or contact STAMI!
We are really excited to work with STAMI and look forward to the continued collaboration!